Friday, October 29, 2010

The House of the Seven Gables

       When we hear someone mention the town of Salem we immediately think of witches. It is only natural that we think of this for it was part of one the most talked about parts of history. The first person to be accused of witchcraft and have trial was Bridget Bishop. As many of the other cases she was accused by many that claimed to see her transform into a cat or walk with the Devil. Her trail was on June 2, 1692. Her body was inspected for cuts because many said that she would have these marks because her victims managed to injure her.

       Another interesting case was probably the first case that was caused by someone being mentally insane and not actually possessed by Satan. Dorothy Talbye was this person. She killed her daughter and was therefore executed. Many believed she was possessed but she was still charged like a common criminal.

      Puritans were the people that were doing the persecuting and being persecuted. This religion was one of the first religions to exist in America. Many priests performed exorcisms. These people believed in demonic forces. Some people believe that Puritanism is what has provided a firm  foundation for American democracy. Many think that puritans were a little extreme in the way that they though and worshiped. They believe in absolute sovereignty of God, total depravity of man, and the complete dependence of human beings on divine grace for salvation, and they stress the importance of personal religious experience.

     In Nathaniel Hawthorne's book The House of the Seven Gables he explains that the house was built after an alleged wizard, that had his own home in that spot, was hanged for witchcraft. Hawthorne got the inspiration from the house by the same name located in Salem. It is clear that he used Salem's infamous witch hunt history to start the story of the how the house came about. The House is also known as the Turner-Ingersoll Mansion and it was built in 1668. It is one of the houses from the 17th that is still standing. It was built with a type of wood brought by the Puritans to New England.

     Although religion is not supposed play a role in government it does have a little influence. Murder, you can say, is prohibited and its is also one of the Ten Commandments. But unlike the Puritan religion where murder automatically would have resulted in the murderer's death, in our society depending on the severity of the murder, each murderer can get a different sentencing. Capital punishment may be given to someone but in some states it is no longer an option.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Moment I Knew I Was an American...

     Because I was born in Mexico I would never have thought I would feel and be as American as I am today. America is what defines so many of my characteristics. But I can never forget were my past is, because this past is what makes me who I am and helps shape the person that I will become. The American way of life is all I have ever known since I was five years old. So you can imagine how easy it is for me to feel American.

    I would say that a moment in which I truly felt like an American would be when I actually read my first English book all by myself when I was in 1st or 2nd grade. The language is such an important part of culture that speaking, reading, writing it makes you feel more of a part of that culture.

    Another moment in which I felt like an American was when I became eager to embrace this other culture, to be part of this huge melting pot that defines the United States. Being able to understand how different cultures interact and how as long as you respect other’s views they will most likely respect yours.

   Part of being an American is being proud of this country and what it has to offer. I always enjoy taking trips and seeing this country’s beautiful sights, from the huge cityscapes to the vast forest/mountainous landscapes. I remember when going to Wisconsin Dells was like the best thing that ever happened.

   I really think that most people would feel American by their first few Thanksgivings. Thanksgiving is a very American holiday. The beginning stages of American history are in this holiday. Even though this part of history is not exactly all sugary and nice it doesn’t change the fact that America is here because of those first people.

    As long as you are ready to embrace this way of life and what it has to offer, you will feel like an American. You may have been born all the way across the world and still feel like an American. Remembering your roots and understanding were your future might be is part of being an American. Being able to keep your original identity and adding new traits to it is being an American.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Talking Back? Really? It's Called Answering Your Question!

I can think of a few times when my “smart” mouth got me in trouble. I am not known as someone who creates much trouble or disobeys (much), but I do have tendency to talk back to my parents (mostly my dad) and maybe, once in a while, to a teacher. I don’t really look at it as talking back but more like being honest and answering their question. I am sure I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Do parents actually ask these questions to get answers? It seems that sometimes when we answer it’s never the answer they want.
            One of the incidents that got me in trouble (more like just a scolding) was when I talked back to my 8th grade science teacher. I also didn’t help that some of my classmates were encouraging to go on.
            That day our teacher wasn’t really teaching. He was just telling one of his many uninteresting stories. I decided to put my head down. In no way was I going to take a nap. I merely wanted to put my head down. I guess the teacher thought I was taking a nap and called me up on it. He then asked me, and I remember this very clearly: “Is there anything hanged on the wall that says you can sleep in the classroom?” That’s when I “smartly” answered back, “There is nothing that says I can’t.” In my defense he asked a very specific question that asked if there was anything “hanged on the wall” and there really wasn’t. So you see, I was just stating a fact. This was followed by my classmates yelling out, “Treated!” Needless to say it didn’t lessen the trouble that I was in.
            I really didn’t mind getting in trouble because I know that at some level I wasn’t really “talking back” and some will probably agree. I also didn’t mind, well, because I didn’t really like the teacher. I can sincerely say that I did not learn any science-y stuff in 8th grade and that was the reason why “napping” became the cause of most of the trouble I got in.