Thursday, December 16, 2010

Let me tell you about... Dark Dark Dark

Dark Dark Dark is small (fantastic) band with a very unique sound. When fist hearing their music it was surprising to find that there was something very enjoyable about their sound. Not usually going for music with very folky sound it was something very refreshing to hear than the usual music I hear. 
Their debut album The Snow Magic, being the first one I listened by them holds a special place in my heart (or ears). each song is very different, yet there is a very unique way that ties them all in. The diversity of instruments they use adds to their unique sound. Cellos and accordians ( among with other instruments) are not the most usual instruments  used by a band. Dark makes all these work together. They avoid creating a clashing mess and instead create catchy melodies paired with deep, kind of mistical lyrics. Some of the best songs on this album include; A Cloud Story, Ferment in Dm, Ashes, and well.. seriously every song on this album is just as good as the next one.   

They have recently recorded and flung into the world another album: Wild Go. Now this one i have not heard it in its entirety. But what I've heard so far is just as good ( if not better) as their previous album.

So get up, get ready to sing-along and possibly prance around to the tune of these lively ( yet quite a bit morbid) songs.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nick and Jay

          Jay and Nick seem to have something in common. They seem satisfied with their lives but still have not exactly reached to being the person that they want to be. They also try to create a friendship that will benefit them and help them reach the person that they want to be or just get a specific thing that they want.

         The reader can clearly see that Jay tries to use this new friendship with Nick to his advantage. He knows that Nick knows Daisy and Jordan explains what Gatsby wants him to do. Gatsby wants Nick to invite Daisy over and that way Gatsby can come over to Nick's house as if he has been doing this for some time. This way he will be reintroducing himself into Daisy's life. Although Gatsby is surrounded by a lot of people I belief he is really lonely and one reason is that he possibly feels that he has lost Daisy. The awkward, almost embarrassed, way in which he first acts around Daisy can be interpreted to be nervousness of having to talk to someone that he has liked for quite sometime but knows that she can't be with him. Nick even tells him, "you're acting like a little boy." And this nervousness is like that nervousness that children have when they start experiencing a crush on someone.

        Nick might also be using Jay for the purpose of becoming something greater than the person that he is. Nick always talks about how he IS a very well-rounded individual, or at least the reader gets to see that he tries to be this person. By going to Gatsby's he is getting to know all sorts of people and making himself known to these people. With this he continues his "quest" to become a great, maybe even famous, person that people will admire or want to get to know. Just like Gatsby. Except without the negative rumors and comments that people talk about him.

          There are signs and other examples that can support the idea that Jay's and Nick's friendship is just something that is meant for them to take advantage of each other in a way that they only care about what each will get from this friendship, for themselves. But there are things that also lead towards a genuine friendship. Gatsby seems to enjoy spending time with Nick and he is always inviting him to go visit someone or just go out on the town.

          Both still have all these secrets that it is hard to make a definite decision whether their friendship is true or if they have an ulterior motive, that may or may not be of good intentions.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Frozen ( Winter Poem )

There is a land
Where the mountains are high
And the sea is vast.
The trees naked,
Except for the cold, sparkling blanket that envelops them.

I ride there sometimes.
The sound of the horse,
Like far away thunder,
galloping somewhere familiar yet so changed.

It's there to escape to.
But this time they follow me
Blending into the white,
like shadows of old nightmares. 
They dance around a beating heart
Wind carrying their whispers through my hair.
Whispers of death that are hard to bear.

Closer to the edge they guide me
The gray sky weeps icy tears.
It knows that I'll fall,
That there will be no one to catch me,
And that I'll never rise again.

Into the black we all plunge.
Darkness taking over.
When I return with them
It always to that land.

That land with the high mountains,
The vast sea,
And the naked trees
that sit by the inky, frozen river.
My spirit joins the others.
 The dead, black river lends it’s reflective surface to our souls.
Sometimes what we see, is not what we wanted to know.