Monday, January 17, 2011


                Martin Luther King, Jr., I would be willing to bet is someone that every person six years old (if not younger) or older in these United States knows who he was and most likely knows he “ had a dream.”
It is evident that he is still remembered and he will continue to be remembered. Someone who along with other great people fought for their rights will never be forgotten. The era of civil rights movement and the segregation that was the cause of this movement are a great part of the Unites States’ history, a bleak part, but one that truly impacted the course of American history.

                 Could these people have known just how much of an impact they would make? Could they have imagined that their actions would not only inspire their time and people but also future generations? Because of them and what they did, America has become a greater place.

                MLK’s dream has come true. At least for the most part it has. Most are “judged not by the color of their skin but, by the content of their character.” We still experience or see some racism today but definitely not as much or as extreme as it was during his time. The US has definitely come a long way from singing “ If you’re white you’re alright, if you’re brown stick around, if you’re black go back” to praising and singing songs about people like MLK and everyone who fought for their freedom.

                 I have always wondered, and I am sure I am not alone in this, would Martin Luther King be proud of how far the US has come along in the way people are treated? Would something have disappointed him? It is a shame that he is not alive still and cannot see just how much he, along with the other great freedom fighters, have impacted the way many people now live.

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