Sunday, February 13, 2011

             Ahhh Beat Street...yet another reason to look forward to 2nd period. When we first started watching Beat Street I felt........... actually I don't really remember how I felt all I was really thinking was that we were watching a movie and that I had no idea what Beat Street is.

             Well, Beat Street is EPIC. The break-dancing, the music, the graffiti... all of it is just a big pile of epicness. But then which 80's movie isn't? There is something about the 80's that just never ceases to entertain me. Specially if you have a mom like my mom. Someone who is always blasting 80's music and I just can't help but dance around the house with her. With music like this you just can't help but enjoy what the 80's have to offer. Something else that makes Beat Street so amazing is how the smallest things can make you laugh. THE FASHION. So disastrous yet so awesome.

             The only thing is that I can't seem to follow any sort of plot in this movie. It's a bit too all over the place. But I really don't think it matters. It's the type of movie that you can just sit back and enjoy. Can't wait to finish it and then re-watch it over and over.

           ^^^^^ My favorite part... so far.

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