Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hungry For Attention

        Everybody needs attention. The teeniest amount of it can make a huge difference. But if we can't get it we usually go and find it not caring whether its because of something good or bad that we did. Usually it is something negative that we choose to do. Richard decides he wanted to see the curtains burn and although he said he did it out of curiosity, I think deep down he was looking to drive the attention toward himself. And of course he continues his quest to get attention. He kills the kitten. He runs away from the orphanage. He gets drunk and goes along with what the people in the saloon want him to do. Definitely not the best way to try to get attention but nonetheless his mother starts to pay attention to him.

        We need the most attention when we are just little tiny kids. I think that if we don't get attention early on, then that is when we start to crave it and don't care what it takes to get attention, be it bad or good. As little kids we need to feel that there is someone there that cares about us, that play with us, that listen and love us. 
As we grow older I think we don't need as much attention. Sometimes we wish to be left alone. I know I do. As we grow older we still need and desire attention but we are probably smarter in the way we react if we are not receiving what we think is the right amount of attention for us. Some seek the "good" attention in a healthier way.

         I don't think we necessarily need attention to survive but it is something nice to have. Probably something that keeps us sane. 

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